Thursday, September 30, 2010


semua dijemput ke MAJLIS JAMUAN HARI RAYA
pada hari Jumaat, 01/10/10 jam 2.30-6.00 ptg
di Kilang Bidara Flour sdn bhd
No. 1, Jalan Lada hitam 16/12, Seksyen 16, Shah Alam.

( bersebelahan kilang panasonic seksyen 16 )

semua dijemput 012-2105104 untuk panduan arah.

Monday, September 6, 2010

selamat berkenalan dengan BP

BENZOYL PEROXIDE [BP] digunakan untuk menukarkan warna tepung gandum kepada warna putih kerana BP adalah satu bahan peluntur yang amat kuat sehinggakan rambut hitam boleh bertukar putih jika disentuhkan BP ini. Proses pemutihan tepung gandum dilakukan dengan cara mencampurkan tepung gandum dengan bahan kimia BP ini, dalam tempoh yang singkat, tidak sampaipun satu jam, semua tepung gandum bertukar menjadi putih (bleached).

Selain menukarkan warna kepada putih, BP mempunyai kesan sampingan ke atas protin gluten yang terdapat dalam tepung, juga mengakibatkan sebahagian nutirisinya terjejas. Itu sebab serangga kurang menggemari tepung putih berbanding tepung asal. Bahkan ada idea yang kurang enak apabila tepung putih dijadikan ubat penghalau serangga dan tikus, memang berkesanpun.

Bagi pesakit GOUT, DIABETES dan ARTHRITIS, mereka perlu mengelakkan makanan yang mengandungi BP. Pesakit akan mengalami symptom gout yang serius dalam tempoh kurang daripada 24 jam, jika mengambil makanan yang mengandungi BP. Hidup lebih sihat tanpa tepung gandum putih.

Melalui rujukan internet, BP merupakan Bahan Toksik, Bahan Penggalak Tumor/ Kanser, Boleh Menyebabkan Alahan pada Kulit, dan Bahan Mutagen (bahan yang boleh menyebabkan mutasi pada sel badan). Dan jangan tak tahu, ia digunakan juga untuk ubat jerawat. Bayangkan jika bahan kimia ini masuk ke dalam perut kita. Dalam jangka masa 20-30 tahun kesan buruknya akan kelihatan seperti Gout dan Diabetes.

Di tengah masyarakat yang sukakan roti canai untuk sarapan dan masakan mee mamak makan malamnya, apakah solusinya ? GUNAKAN TEPUNG UNBLEACH SAHAJA. Ya, Gunakan Tepung Cap Bidara dan Cap Ceri yang diimport sepenuhnya daripada TURKI oleh Bidara Flour Sdn Bhd, satu-satunya pengimport tepung gandum Bumiputera Islam. TURKI, Negara yang memang makanan rujinya adalah gandum ia juga mengeksport tepung gandum ke Eropah, untuk memasuki pasaran Eropah hanya tepung unbleach sahaja yang dibenarkan. Jiran kita Singapura juga mengamalkan perkara yang sama untuk memastikan kesihatan penduduknya, dengar cerita Indonesia dan Thailand pun sama. Jadi, sama2 kita fikirkan dan sama2lah beli tepung CAP BIDARA dan CAP CERI untuk kesihatan keluarga.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

mengenal benzoyl peroxide

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Benzoyl peroxide
(pronounced /ˈbɛnzɔɪl pəˈrɒksaɪd/) is an organic compound in the organic peroxide family. It consists of two benzoyl groups joined by a peroxide group. Its structural formula is [C6H5C(O)]2O2. It is one of the most important organic peroxides in terms of applications and the scale of its production. Benzoyl peroxide is used as an acne treatment, for improving flour, for bleaching hair and teeth, for polymerising polyester and many other uses.

Synthesis, structure, physical properties

Benzoyl peroxide was the first organic peroxide prepared by intentional synthesis. It was prepared by treating benzoyl chloride with barium peroxide,[1] a reaction that probably follows this stoichiometry:

2 C6H5C(O)Cl + BaO2 → [C6H5C(O)]2O2 + BaCl2

Benzoyl peroxide is usually prepared by treating hydrogen peroxide with benzoyl chloride.

The oxygen-oxygen bond in peroxides is weak. Thus benzoyl peroxide readily undergoes homolysis (symmetrical scission), forming free radicals:

[C6H5C(O)]2O2 → 2C6H5CO2

The symbol indicates that the products are radicals, i.e. they contain an odd number of electrons. Such species are highly reactive. The homolysis is usually induced by heating. The half-life of benzoyl peroxide is one hour at 92 °C. At 131 °C, the half-life is one minute.[2]

Benzoyl peroxide breaks down in contact with skin, producing benzoic acid and oxygen, neither of which is significantly toxic.[3] It is important to note that the safety of the decomposition products does not mean that the substance itself is safe, as it is benzoyl peroxide's action as an oxidizing agent that is of importance. Hydrogen peroxide can be corrosive due to its oxidizing properties, but decomposes to form water and oxygen. Sodium hypochlorite (commonly known as "bleach") also shares these properties, but decomposes to form harmless products such as sodium chloride

Acne treatment

Benzoyl peroxide for acne treatment is typically applied to the affected areas in gel or cream form, in concentrations of 2.5% increasing through the usually effective 5% to up to 10%. Research suggests that 5 and 10% concentrations are not significantly more effective than 2.5%, and that 2.5% is usually better tolerated.[5][6] It commonly causes initial dryness and sometimes irritation, although the skin develops tolerance after a week or so. A small percentage of people are much more sensitive to it and liable to suffer burning, itching, peeling and possibly swelling. It is sensible to apply the lowest concentration and build up as appropriate. Once tolerance is achieved, increasing the quantity or concentration a second time and gaining tolerance at a higher level usually gives better subsequent acne clearance. Benzoyl peroxide works as a peeling agent, increasing skin turnover and clearing pores, thus reducing the bacterial count there as well as directly as an antimicrobial

Other uses

Other common uses for benzoyl peroxide include dyeing hair, and as an active ingredient in teeth whitening systems. It is also used in the preparation of flour, and can be used as an initiator and catalyst for polyester thermoset resins (as an alternative to the much more hazardous methyl ethyl ketone peroxide).[citation needed]

In the U. S., the typical concentration for benzoyl peroxide is 2.5% to 10% for both prescription and over the counter preparations that are used in treatment for acne. Higher concentrations are used for hair bleach and teeth whitening. Benzoyl peroxide, like most peroxides, is a powerful bleaching agent. Contact with fabrics or hair can cause permanent color dampening almost immediately. Even secondary contact can cause bleaching. For example, contact with a towel that has been used to wash off benzoyl peroxide-containing hygiene products.